All personal growth is ‘personal’ity’ growth! ~WendyLynn

My Services

  • Professional Enneagram Typing

    The Enneagram is often thought of as a system or model used for classifying 9 uniquely different expressions (also called ‘Types’) of personality. Each of the 9 types unique fears, motivations, worldviews, focus of attention, and childhood wounds help to establish patterns of thinking, emotions, and behaviors characterized through the Enneagram’s system of Personality. However, the depth of knowledge and insight within the theoretical framework of the Enneagram System of Personality is not the whole of its contribution. It is a powerful tool for coming to know, understand, and appreciate who you are.

    WendyLynn is an IEQ Certified Enneagram Practitioner who supports her clients on their personal’ity’ growth journey!

  • Coaching Services

    For WendyLynn, empowering others through her writing and coaching supports her life's mission - to Live an Authentic, Love-filled, Purpose-driven Life. Wendylynn is certified by the ICF as a Life Empowerment coach and she specializes in Personal development and Relationship coaching.

    “As a life coach, it is my business to support, encourage, empower, validate, awaken, elevate, motivate, educate, respect, challenge, celebrate, and appreciate my clients. In my business, there can be no personal judgments, manipulation, persuasion, or negativity. I believe that the coach client relationship must remain healthy, productive, and empowering in order to be effective.”

  • Motivational Speaking Events

    Wendylynn loves teaching workshops and getting people together! Whether in-person or online she is a dynamic teacher who offers a lot of valuable information as well as application processes to support growth. Some of WendyLynn’s favorite workshops are:

    1.) Enneagram Essentials for Beginners - A Tour of the 9 Types that will Help You Understand Yourself, and Others, Better!

    2.) Manifestation Magic - A 3-Step System for Achieving your Goals

    3.) Truth And Dare for Teens - An Introduction to the Curriculm that Integrates Empowerment Coaching with Character Development.

WendyLynn’s Works

What my clients say…